Derek Shampoo

I read the headline as Patton Oswalt SINGS on sitcom with Matthew Broderick. I'm not sure which one I would like better

Homemade Whip Cream
If you have ever have had homemade whip cream, you'll never want to have cool whip again. It's not hard to make either, just put some vanilla extract and sugar into some cream and mix it for 5 or so minutes. And you can put alcohol in there is you want too

@ jmar. The thing about David Brent is he wasn't really a good person. I mean even in the Christmas special he was an arse (being incredibly ruse to the large woman). But someone how we are happy when things work out for him. I don't think its because the other people are bigger assholes. Finch is but the other boss

Hurray baseball opening day! The problem with the teams moving between leagues, while an utterly awesome idea, would not work in American baseball. The Major league franchise owns the minor league teams and shuffles players to and fro pretty easily. What makes it work in the European soccer (football to you blasted

Hey! I'm trying to eat lunch here!

Despite Eiffel being in their name, they are not French. They still may be eurotrash, but not french.

Ahh thanks Frick, now this whole thread makes sense.

Gotdamn is was good to see Packer again

Man on Fire
I first read that as John Clease in Man on Fire. That would have made a different movie if he was in it

Don't forget the eponymous track, "Belle & Sebastian." I don't know if that's the perfect introduction to Belle & Sebastian, but it's got to be close

Christian Rock
Christian Rock is a disgrace to Rock music AND Christianity.

I wish I could participate. It took me forever to get a grasp on the before and after category of Jeopardy!.

Same guy
The (clothed) guy who had a job in the casual Friday office was also in another commercial. I forget which one, but I always get a kick when I recognize commercial actors from other commercials.

It's consolation for us regular folks. Not being able to date incredibly attractive people isn't so bad if they are all vain or insane.

In addition to using "we" I enjoyed that the non-Lynne parts of the book, especially the first third, were set up as a conversation. The topic would all of sudden change because of something or someone mentioned, then it would go off on another tangent only finally to come back to what was first being

In case you didn't know, in that game you could be Grant OR a raptor. As the raptor you got to kill humans and other dinosaurs!

OR make a movie of Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition

Glaring omission
Spoon has a new album coming out in January. I think that is a glaring omission

I heard Bad day was the biggest one-hit-wonder of the decade.

Is this a big deal that Tasha is being photographed? Maybe it was someone else who would never appear on camera for the taste test. I could just be imagining things