hennery hawke

Upvoyed!!! … which will last for about three more hours.

I heard him spend fifteen minutes on the mystical powers of the number 9.

"who wears sunglasses like that behind his head?"

My friend Charles swore that he had a oral interlude with his girlfriend right after eating some suicidal hot sauce, and things did not go well.

Not like you.

Put a statue of a little girl looking all feisty&shit in front of it.

Wait. This is actually a good. solid answer to a question asked sincerely. Are you sure you are in the right place?

Hey, I'M a creepy old guy and … yeah, you're right. We all suck.

Now I've seen everything!

… and is doing a Garrison Keillor imitation.

Prison rape is a terrible problem and you should not wish it on anyone.

Hmmm. Can't think of anything to say about the photo.

Linda Ronstadt?

Upvoted since you'll lose the upvote once Kinja ruins the joint.

Good joke. I'll bet you're feeling all smuggalo.

He directed American Beauty>/i>, right? Or wrote it?

Multiply that by twenty and you've got my freshman comp class.


Stop that. Clapton has been terrible for only the last forty-five years. The first decade of his career was fine.

This is working out great for Trump. He had the Klan and Nazis in his backyard and successfully pivoted to a discussion of statues. I've watched that discussion play out at several websites going back to at least 2015 (Charleston terrorist attack). The nutjob right loves the statue discussion because it has worked