
I had to take my naturalization test in 2009, so I'm still sort of an expert in US government minutiae.

My understanding is that if you go to a "public school" or whatever the term is, they play football since there won't be a grass field and you can't play a tackle game in the middle of a parking lot or anything.

Nice to see Damian in this one. That was pretty fetch.

What these comments presuppose is…maybe we will.

Pretty sure amendments take 3/4 of the states, not 2/3.

Just a matter of time before we get a Savage Love question on Aigialoheliokuklophilia.

Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder.

It's true, it's true! We're so lame!

Well, I got everything I was supposed to get!

Obviously something like "best television quote of the past 25 years" is highly subjective and there's no correct answer and anyone who suggests that there is one right answer is an idiot. But, this is the only correct answer.

I remember when Colbert Better Knew my home district, New Jersey's Third (THE FIGHTIN' THIRD) and I was so excited.

The moment in that testimony where he dropped the character and quoted Matthew 25:40 (what you do to the least of these people….) honestly makes me tear up. Special comedian and an even better person.

"Sir, can you name the Ten Commandments?"

Robert Wexler's Better Know a District. Wexler was so game that it even shocked Stephen, who briefly broke.

It's just been raining…on my face.

I'm pretty sure I've lost this battle, but hearing "reveal" used as a noun drives me insane. The word is "revelation" and we shouldn't let the crazy part of The Bible steal it from us.

They care about more than if a man is getting laid, MRAs also are super concerned with ethics in gaming journalism.

Pardon me?

Now he just needs to get Pope Francis on before next week. How's that going, Jimmy?

I find the fact that these stories are all nearly identical to each other as further evidence against Cosby, personally.