
I grew up playing hockey in South Jersey and went up against Hextall's son pretty regularly. One of the games against him was completely out of control, multiple fights, ejections, dirty penalties, all the parents screaming at the refs, just total anarchy in the rink. The game was called when one of our parents threw

-Leaf Seven, known for their driving basslines, memorable hooks, and hypnotic rhythms.

Hey everybody, an old man is talking!

Haven't seen it yet, but I really hope Rick Reilly shows up to make his "Bosworth was like Madonna in shoulder pads. Well, Madonna wore shoulder pads in the 80s, but bigger ones" line that he goes around repeating whenever Bosworth comes up.


When is your book coming out?

I completely unironically enjoy Gervais's musical output as a member of Seona Dancing. Am I alone?

I am pretty sure John Cale got most of those extra lyrics directly from Cohen. Cohen apparently wrote like ten pages of lyrics to the song before trimming it down. He sent the whole thing to Cale and Cale picked his favorites and now those lyrics have become the canonical version.

"Music to Watch Porn By"

Pardon me?

Nope. I've got that cover as a bonus track on the rerelease of March 16-20, 1992. Personally, I think it's one hundred percent fantastic.

I played goalie in soccer growing up, but now when I play recreational leagues I like to get some exercise so I usually play as a defender. It turns out that I am staggeringly bad at controlling a soccer ball with my feet. I've seen guys show up as emergency fill ins, wear jeans, keep their hands in their pockets, and

Did anyone else watch this show at 16 and come to the conclusion that the best way to seem cooler would be to spend as much time pensively leaning against his locker as possible?

Holy crap. I've seen that episode at least a dozen times since I first saw MSCL and never put that together.

Mine was Bart Gets Hit By a Car. My mother was in the room and promptly turned it off at Bart's "who the hell are you?" Took about three years before I was allowed to watch the show. Those were the darkest years.

I only regret that I have but one up vote to give for that link.

Was going to come give some love to Sister as a gateway. It's still experimental enough to give an impression of what Sonic Youth are about, but it mostly eschews eight minute long songs for some more accessible stuff. Plus, it starts with Schizophrenia, which might be Sonic Youth at their absolute, non Teenage Riot,

It's true! We're so lame!

Monstars really picked a terrible lineup. Way too slow/too much size. They had Larry Johnson playing at the 2 and Barkley as a small forward. I guess Bogues was supposed to provide all the speed, but this wouldn't have been a game if they didn't pick two centers and two power forwards.

If you really want to get upset, please note that Jack Antonoff also dated Maeby Funke and Scarlett Johansson (yes, really) in the past.