
Christ that's a dark movie

this looks fantastic!! simey russell beale what a treat

I was eight when it came out and it really upset me at the time. I moved past it though.

I ordered a coffee the other day and the guy said to me: "that'll be four dollarydoos." Was it you, you piece of shit?

I scoffed at the all-in on Jaime but it kinda makes sense. Maybe Tyrion will have to give the order to ice him to prove his loyalty.

Having watched and generally enjoyed both (in series form), I'll go ahead and say that Trip Spain is better than WHAS: 10 Years Later. It's just that WHAS is very much pegged towards a, shall we say, AV Club-centric brand of pop-culture referencing humour. That said, none of the follow-ups has topped the first Trip

the ship has indeed entered the bay, although it was a bit tricky to find. That is how I watched it in Australia, where it is otherwise only distributed as the film, as far as I'm aware. Heck to the film version though.

actually, I stand corrected as there appear to be small cells of isis fighters in Morocco.

I doubt it's ISIS, given that he's in Morocco

He shares a wonderful scene in Hunger with Fassbender. He was also in a film last year that looked interesting but that I haven't seen called Childhood of a Leader

Meloni is the scene-stealer. Fighting with the can was just legit impressive.

lower lpm (laughs per minute) than the prequel series but it's still good for a couple of good quality ones and all up it's amusing enough. A lot of the show though is, weirdly, played straight and those parts are pretty boring.

there's more important shit for them to worry about and it's probably some bullshit that only Ned cared about in the first place

I read an article the other day that quoted someone as saying that avocado toast was the Australian equivalent of buttered toast and I thought "that's fucking bullshit, go fuck yourself" and I feel like Swedes and Norwegians would have a similar reaction to this dross being described as "all the rage" in their

Jon and Dany won't unite yet, they're gonna prick-tease the whole "but what about the white walkers?!" angle for a little while.

'but because it’s forced comedians to pay attention to the millions of people who voted for him'

I didn't know this was a thing and now I know it's a thing and I'm very pleased that it's a thing

I would very much like Ian McShane to read The Mooch's part in the transcript

I must say I am very partial to a good ticking sound in a score

hurts my neck