
They didn't want to call it The Hound and The Mountain as they would not be able to contain the delirious hype of the inevitable Cleganebowl. All the fucking chickens.

comedians or people?

I think it's especially callous that they cut Billy Dee Williams' son from the Han Solo/Lando Calrissian project :(

It's somewhat surprising that a website that deals almost exclusively in tossed-off irony can't recognise it when it sees it.

that was the impression I got. Get hype.

Cleganebowl - fucking confirmed

honestly, the political machinations (such as they are) of the prequels are relatively interesting. Moreso than "because goodies v baddies" anyway

jesus that Jon Batiste guy is intensely irritating

hahahaha yes fair enough

look, the shows are fun, but absolutely not Criterion Worthy

is it really though?

I've seen him on stage a couple of times. He's very good.

I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

they're a guilty pleasure for me. I'm not a comic book guy so I'm not invested in how these play as adaptations. For me they're frothy soap-operas driven by charismatic performances that are a bit of fun to binge on.

jesus christ, for a series as forgettably mediocre as Iron Fist apparently was, AVC sure likes to fucking carry on about Iron Fist

and if it is, she kills it

so, arya ices littlefinger ("the most dangerous man in Westeros" - Varys) and she and sansa become besties 4eva? this is not that show



I believe it said killed from wounds from a boar hunt, referring to Robert?