
lunch at Steirereck, Vienna. next level.

unfortunately the soundtrack does that Hans Zimmer thing of being occasionally musically interesting but mostly dull and overbearing


It wasn't played for laughs? Except the rum bit and a spot of Sam being Sam, Iain Glen did a super good job of acting being in agonising pain, and I don't really get the pus = hilarity formulation.

by the end of the show it's full Carcetti

'ruin everything' I mean,

"But all pies are better than all cakes is what I'm saying."

Littlefinger wins the whole thing. y'all crazy.

Well, Wiki says a fleet of about 800 ships, but it also says that on the first day only a few thousand were evacuated so it was probably a lot less than 800 at the start. I definitely got the sense that there were an awful lot of blokes at the beach though (something tells me that wasn't a budget thing, it doesn't

this is the kind of movie that cinemas exist for really. If you're gonna watch it at all, that's the place to do it

I was a bit confused about the scale of the civilian boat armada for evacuation. It looked well short of the number of boats needed to evacuate 300,000 blokes

I dunno, I don't think those reporters are like "well, Amnesty International are gonna come down pretty hard on this so it's not so bad." Y'know, because they're dead.

he does actually imply that other parents should stop ordering chicky nugs or whatever so that restos stop offering them, presumably to be replaced with said kale and beets options. Maybe not a demand per se, but extremely obnoxious nevertheless

real talk, 'The Dragon' is a swell Nabokov short story that's suitable for young'uns

yeah i'm not sure where ordering off the kids menu ranks on the 'harmful to children' scale. Presumably just below female genital mutilation.

I feel sorry for you for re-reading the article :(

If you don't introduce your kid to grana padino and cardoons, then how will they survive when taken to the gourmet italian sandwich shop in adulthood? :(

jesus. if my kid ever wore band shirts I'd be so disappointed.

Curious choice of play to do, but it's cool that they're doing it. Interestingly, Bryan Cranston was recently announced to be playing Howard Beale in an adaptation of Network for the UK National Theatre. Now that I would watch the shit out of (and will in fact be able to due to NT Live's broadcasting in cinemas

"That degree in Film Studies from a mid Western liberal arts college no one has heard of is the gift that keeps on giving for this reviewer."