
I suspect, etymologically, that zed comes from the German alphabet 'z', which is 'zett'

I'd go along with this, once you 'get' the sport, it's really very easy and enjoyable to watch. The sport is very easy to 'get' too - its design as a game is fundamentally timeless and compelling - but lots of people don't bother for various reasons, some of which are based on lazy and fairly inaccurate stereotypes.

was there a genuinely large impact of racism in Tiger's career? Besides a surprisingly large amount of lame fried chicken jokes? Most people seemed to get on board with him very quickly, though I imagine the membership at the abject club that is Augusta might have had a few unsavoury comments.

more Hollywood whitewashing I see. just like when Al Pacino played Shylock.

six movies (maybe even seven movies depending on what actually happened in S7 with luke that it was prickteasing about) have shown us that the jedi are lamentable dickheads. good riddance.

Constant. Contact.

also, by actual nazis

I'm impressed by his candour. He's right of course, about 90% of the Star Wars music is utterly unremarkable.

This is such a great video, good stuff.

a writer's biography does not determine their worth as a writer.

episode one of a new season of Dominic West Fucking and he didn't even fuck? worst of all, Dominic West Nearly Fucked, the teases. C- must try harder.

Noah dumping on the bad prose was funny, but somewhat ironic as everything the show has presented of Noah's writing has been pretty naff.

keep in mind as well that the park's writers are essentially videogame writers, and hacky and cliché backstories are their stock in trade (though Ford and the pommy git obviously think rather highly of themselves).

The big giveaway wasn't 'what door?' but Debussy's 'Reverie' playing at the start in the 'flashback', another bit of Debussy-based trickery this show has employed recently (the first instance was Clair de lune being played anachronistically (1905 for the publication of Cdl) in the park a couple of eps before this one,

the show doesn't have a narrator


the Florida Department Of Citrus

Show's Overman

"It’s also kind of a cosmic story, so it would be up Gunn’s alley."

oh man, i thought this was going to be about 'problematicness' rather than just dumb writing problems which, i mean, honestly, what do you expect from this manchild nonsense?