
The time has definitely come to add "telegraph (verb)" to my A.V. Club bingo

nah, they should just intercut old colt 45 ads

I like how those two broads in the photo are like, "sit the fuck down, Matthew McConaughey

"Looking for a message in a foul-mouthed HBO comedy is tricky business"

jesus these reviews are awful

"an ISIS origin story" honestly have a fucking word with yourselves

"and you're still a Jew"

'Dominic West Fucking' becoming 'Dominic West and Brendan Fraser Fucking (But Probably Not Each Other)' is really going to give that show a new lease of life.

Yeah but I'm not just talking about venerating them, I'm talking about taking that to the 'almost sanctified martyr' level. It seems like one of those great Stendhalian hypocrisies that as a nation the US seems to treat its dead soldiers as a broad collective better than its living veterans. In the case of

The A.V. Club

lmao the guy sitting down in the middle looks like such a bellend

curious foreigner here: setting Trump aside for a moment, how is it that dead American soldiers have attained this almost sanctified martyr status. like, what are the cultural mechanisms by which this takes place?? is it just being super-scary 'best country in the world' patriotic? it's fascinating.

just wait until you see how they feel about Pinochles

"Kevins repent" is beautiful

ignore it. verbified 'trend' a la present participle is trending

haven't watched this ep yet, but there's definitely been a sense so far that Gamby is the Main Character. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the weight of the narrative shifts in the 2nd half of the season (or the 2nd season).

if only China had some sort of film industry that could produce films with their own ethnically Chinese hero-protagonists. how thrillingly unprecedented and enlightening that would be

Way to overstate the not-actually-surly-or-even-stoic facial expressions of one clearly non-miserable, affable-seeming man in order to pursue one laboured joke.

I would just like to informatively point out that Germany (also a federation) has a system whereby all (or certainly most) supermarkets have a reverse vending machine, which takes empty bottles from customers and returns to them an amount of credit (depending on the size of the bottles, ranging from 7 to 20 Euro

you haven't read any "Kafka" novels have you?