
to be honest, I preferred it when there were only six Star Wars movies

"Isaac Hempstead Wright implied that Bran would spill the beans on Jon’s true parentage next season"
But not, as I continue to insist will definitely happen, until Dany and Jon have boned.
and/or then Jon will bone Sansa once he knows he's got the all clear bc Ygritte.

maybe the implication was that the whole concept of The Hand in the show seems like self parody?

Les Misérables is a bad novel, probably Hugo's worst work

Tom Hardy wore it better

sour nonplussed

'if you thought animating all those dragons was expensive'

I am especially enthused for the introduction of Timothy Olyphant's third principal-competitor character in the second season.

Yeah it's true, a lot of my friends in Australia growing up were like this too. A strong contingent of people who only liked British comedy. There was a very pronounced 'love Seinfeld'/'hate Seinfeld' split for instance. A lot of it is resentment of laugh tracks too (even if I pointed out that it was filmed in front

this 'I hate coriander' fad is completely incomprehensible, and the kind of thing that only appeals to consummate dullards.

upvoted bc even though this movie will likely be a turd and Fassy needs to be making some Real Movies, reading IS important! well done everyone! reading!

New Wave Video Game Cinema

Me too and it's kinda weird because I have no problem playing WW2 games. Probably because that war was less pointless and there was a clearly defined, universally accepted 'baddie'. WW1 was just vile.

"We have no idea what the Battlefield show will look like"

best AVC comment of all time

"Isn’t it time for this dude to take a well-earned vacation?"

More Hollywood Whitewashing I see


I think a lot of British TV is shite, that The Thick of It is perhaps the greatest TV comedy ever made, and also that this season of Veep has been really outstanding

This is making the same mistake that is often made about TToI: it really is less a political comedy than an office comedy (just that the political milieu creates an especially toxic and violent office culture, as it were, giving it a unique flavour)