
same boat, it really came into its own this season. Its unrelenting cynicism is wonderful, reaching TToI levels of just pure blackness that Iannucci was a perhaps bit reluctant to do himself as a foreigner making a show in America and thinking the audience might not take that well to it. Reading some of the comments

I hope (and kinda expect) that Jon and Dany will bone each other in ignorance before Bran can tell them what's up

Photo: Getty Images

Also; holy shit, stop saying 'the producers'

god Liam Cunningham is an absolute badman. Scene stealer time and again.

"Second, it does seem like Jaime could go this week, especially if Cersei goes insane. In some of the promo pictures, he’s also hanging with Walder Frey, and that guy’s a loose cannon, so who knows?"

The history of pretty much all Star Wars videogame properties begs to differ

today in 'duh'

superb. s u p e r b. almost A+ worthy.
I keep comparing this show to TTOI which is kinda unfair but also kinda necessary because this show just doesn't exist without it and its influence is very keenly felt, and this episode is pretty much an analogue to the inquiry episode in Series 4. That was also the penultimate

nah you're right, it's an inherently boring and pointless question.

I mean, he did well with it and it's always good to see him, but it was a pretty casually tossed out catalytic character designed just to set us up for CLEGANEBOWL or whatever the fuck the idiot manchildren are betting will happen on this show.

I would have thought would have been done away with when he, yknow, started speaking?

fao whoever's working on this: please cast Goggins just for the fun of it

I cannot fucking beliEve that I waited a whole year for Ian McShane to be on this awful dumb show just for that.

'A show is better when you do it with your viewers, rather than at them.'
Except for, yknow, the Late Show with David Letterman.

'I have zero idea who or what exactly I’m supposed to be rooting for'

oh man, I'm compiling an 'AV Club Bingo' and I can't believe I'd forgotten 'canon'/'the canon', thanks so much

I mean, maybe, but maybe Arya is just offed by the end of this season. She is a goodie and everyone likes her which, surely we understand by now, means she is a prime candidate for offing

oh no doubt, just not this season

This is a cunning way to tricking idiot neckbeard virgins into thinking that they're not virgins