
The High Sparrow has this air of grand-plan scheming about him, and is played by such a talented actor, and he still hasn't really done all that much beyond inconveniencing the movers and shakers of King's Landing (certainly, if there is a grand plan, it seems to be in the still fairly nascent stages), that I'm not

My guess when I read the headline was Brian Eno but this is actually way better

speaking of awful. it's you.

'nuanced emotional growth.'
a phrase almost as trite as the thing it's describing

'Stephen Root as the guy who tells Hader who to kill'

oh for fuck's sake

Please understand that the only (and wholly valid) point I was trying to make was that pretty much all gamers are idiot neckbeard virgins.

It's really interesting how, with Iannucci's departure, Veep has finally approached, or even reached, TToI's levels of viciousness and cynicism. It's fantastic.

that is pretty fucked

hasn't he been a playwright for quite a while now?

Mind you, confessing without any apparent irony whatsoever "it's the only thing I live for" in reference to an unproven indie video game is genuinely quite pathetic (in the actual sense of the word, not the contemptuous one).

"Yep, nothing horrible or terrifying about that."
It's only terrifying in the way that a kitten dressed as the grim reaper is terrifying, ie not terrifying at all. As pretty much all gamers are idiot neckbeard virgins, the threats carry v little weight. Feel sorry for Sean Murray though as he seems like a genuinely

not a conflagration

a review of the Archer episode that is, not waterboarding. Although it would be amusing to read AV Club review waterboarding and also work in the words 'meta-', 'trope', and 'audience surrogate' into its review

The only thing that can sap the fun out of an Archer episode more than waterboarding is reading an AV Club review of it

also it doesn't really take an avc writer to tell that Louis CK is an actual smart person

heh. fistula.

Tynion IV sounds like one of the shit Roman emperors you never hear about

interestingly, it's maybe worth pointing out that, unless I'm mistaken, Andrew Garfield is a jew

"The award is justly deserved, as anyone who has followed her work can attest."