
"“cultural fetishism… they only like you because you’re black, not because you’re good.”"

That was Hey Hey, It's Saturday, less an Australia's Got Talent type show and more like a more old fashioned variety show (it no longer runs)

If I was a filmmaker, I think I'd rather a Criterion release than an Academy Award frankly

I think I love u

Is it funny though? Because Madame Bovary is a piss-funny novel.

'Any accurate drawing of a jew is inherently anti-semitic. A perfect drawing of me is like Nazi propaganda' - that's a great line

thanks for the clarification bud

I see they're really throwing a lot of money at this American remake of Summer Hours

yknow, you give actually good movies shorter 3 para reviews

Respected Character Actor Jason Momoa

ah yes, gregariousness' George Lucas

It's not often I get to say this, but this actually was genuinely delightful

Treme was a beautiful show

Tony Trollope!!

pff, as if anyone with a totally gay couple of names like Sebastian Bach could write music, lol

They are, in fact, literally called bottle shops. Or, colloquially, 'Bottle-O's'. Not sure what the history of the law behind superies not selling alcohol is, I'm sure it was some daft moralist nonsense (not as daft as prohibition though, which, it bears repeating, was actually a thing less than a hundred years ago!

it's legit really fascinating that there are several different Spanish-language versions of The Simpsons

"But that product never made it to supermarket shelves thanks to children’s advocacy groups"

"If you’re thinking this sounds a bit like a cross between 30 Rock and Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, you are not alone"

who watches this fucking manchild virgin nonsense