
what the heck made you think Greek?

"Season six of Game Of Thrones begins filming in Belfast, Ireland"

Scalia's a big ol' turd but it's pretty disingenuous to take that quote out of context like that, and the crux of the dissenting judgement is absolutely worth taking seriously, jurisprudentially speaking (it's all part of what makes the USSC a pretty interesting, weird court).

and Michael Clayton, which was ace

this is unfunny and bad

What the fuck s an 'Event Series'? Shut the fuck up

Marcellus Pittmann played an in-store set at Phonica Records in London a few years ago that I went to and his closing track was Moroder's 'Knights in White Satin' (all 15 glorious minutes of it). It was a magical moment.

The Hannibal soundtrack is some of the best film music going around these days. It's supremely refreshing

He kinda looks like Fassbender's older brother in this or something. Also what a piss awful tune

I haven't read the books and don't care to so I don't really know what the deal with everything is, but I was of the impression that Daario was just very determined to set out with Jorah alone, perhaps in order to betray him at some later point, sans witnesses.

"Williams is truly a master of […] baroque composition"

"EDM godfather"

Sam Lowry? mate.

"Kardashian would later go on to great success serving as consigliere to Tony Soprano."

Gary in the cupboard is a great callback to a number of TTOI hiding-in-cupboard moments. Particularly Hugh in the cupboard after the focus group goes awry (I've started rewatching in the lead-up to the general election, that moment is so funny)

bless u, and bless my really quite impressive memory

There was a freely available pdf of Fire in the Hole doing the rounds a couple of years ago but I can't find it again, so I can't check easily, but does anyone know: are the last lines of the show the last lines of the novella as well? Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I have that impression

I am increasingly convinced that Raylan is gonna die, or that it will be strongly implied that he does die, in the final episode. which saddens me.

Well excuuuuuuuuse me, princess

so so great. that last shot. stitches. also 'define soup'. So many great readings