
if Zero Dark Thirty turns out to be better than Amour I'll slice open my scrotum and slurp down its hopefully delicious contents

"The episode may have tested the limits of that, as it portrays Australia as a backward nation populated by roughnecks"

"The episode may have tested the limits of that, as it portrays Australia as a backward nation populated by roughnecks"

this is pretty excellent

this is pretty excellent

while Pinter was a mentor, I think it does Butterworth a bit of a
disservice to call him Pinteresque. Jerusalem, for instance, was Pinteresque insofar as it was a play, on a stage and everything, but apart from that not especially. although that'd probably ruin the thrust of the joke of the article so.

while Pinter was a mentor, I think it does Butterworth a bit of a
disservice to call him Pinteresque. Jerusalem, for instance, was Pinteresque insofar as it was a play, on a stage and everything, but apart from that not especially. although that'd probably ruin the thrust of the joke of the article so.

I haven't seen it creep too overtly into his work, the most recent of which I've seen was, I think, 'Race' and given that powder keg of issues I thought it wasn't handled tooooo badly, I think it may have come just before his full blown descent into conservatism though, but I might be wrong. his opinion pieces/essays

I haven't seen it creep too overtly into his work, the most recent of which I've seen was, I think, 'Race' and given that powder keg of issues I thought it wasn't handled tooooo badly, I think it may have come just before his full blown descent into conservatism though, but I might be wrong. his opinion pieces/essays

David Mamet's lapse into old jewy conservatism. not appalling, just disappointing.

David Mamet's lapse into old jewy conservatism. not appalling, just disappointing.

calling Paul Dano 'usually bothersome' seems extremely harsh

calling Paul Dano 'usually bothersome' seems extremely harsh

just so bloody happy that this is back and that you're covering it. an unusually exposition heavy episode (cf s01e01, for a textbook example of how to debut a TV show with minimal intrusive exposition) , but, happily, still extremely funny and after a repeat viewing it's as joke-dense as the first two series episodes

just so bloody happy that this is back and that you're covering it. an unusually exposition heavy episode (cf s01e01, for a textbook example of how to debut a TV show with minimal intrusive exposition) , but, happily, still extremely funny and after a repeat viewing it's as joke-dense as the first two series episodes

pretty much agree with the review but a Jesse Eisenberg voiceover as a nervous guy bumps it up to a straight B

pretty much agree with the review but a Jesse Eisenberg voiceover as a nervous guy bumps it up to a straight B

well it was possession rather than buying I think, but yes that's right.

well it was possession rather than buying I think, but yes that's right.

Re: the Chris Langham child pornography thing, I was originally of the school of thought that what he did was reprehensible and made bleak jokes about it (recall the line inS2E2: 'the man's a social spastic and very probably a registered nonce, darling'), however after reading and hearing more about it I'm not so