
Re: the Chris Langham child pornography thing, I was originally of the school of thought that what he did was reprehensible and made bleak jokes about it (recall the line inS2E2: 'the man's a social spastic and very probably a registered nonce, darling'), however after reading and hearing more about it I'm not so

Julius Nicholson, right. Blue Sky Thinker. Ex-Business Guru. Dog Rapist.

Julius Nicholson, right. Blue Sky Thinker. Ex-Business Guru. Dog Rapist.



Hugh when he describes Glenn's son's trombone performance:

Hugh when he describes Glenn's son's trombone performance:

even I'm surprised by how prescient I was when, after the pilot, I called this show HBO's unfunny Gossip Girl

even I'm surprised by how prescient I was when, after the pilot, I called this show HBO's unfunny Gossip Girl

Christ Alive! What a cunt !!!

Christ Alive! What a cunt !!!

Mr Sims I have to say that I do enjoy your reviews quite a lot, particularly compared to Mr VanDerWerff's messes where he brings an unnecessary amount of personal baggage to every show he reviews, and goes out of his way to make Grand Pronouncements that bookend his reviews, ending up far too pretentious without the

Mr Sims I have to say that I do enjoy your reviews quite a lot, particularly compared to Mr VanDerWerff's messes where he brings an unnecessary amount of personal baggage to every show he reviews, and goes out of his way to make Grand Pronouncements that bookend his reviews, ending up far too pretentious without the

shout out for the Becket reference. that's some top notch literary cross-referencing.

shout out for the Becket reference. that's some top notch literary cross-referencing.

poor review for mine, a few of the dot points tell me more about why I should be watching this show than the body of the text, and the analysis is fairly hackneyed, as it so often is when people try to apply some kind of Search For Meaning to The Thick Of It (which is a show that has a surprising amount of textual

poor review for mine, a few of the dot points tell me more about why I should be watching this show than the body of the text, and the analysis is fairly hackneyed, as it so often is when people try to apply some kind of Search For Meaning to The Thick Of It (which is a show that has a surprising amount of textual

Impressive but bleak documentary. One thing I'm surprised this review didn't really touch on is the constant and unavoidable presence of faith and religion in the lives of these women throughout the film (apart from praying to Lady Death which isn't quite the same thing). I thought it was one of the more interesting

deeply envious of all the seppos who are gonna discover TTOI off the back of this

Pilot makes the show seem like an unfunny version of Gossip Girl but I'll stick with it for a bit