
The 'too obvious' criticism of TV has always been a bit curious to me. Sometimes it's fair enough but others, I dunno, being thematically elliptical doesn't make for more creatively or intellectually valid art. But then you don't want every show to be, say, Dexter either.

karl with a bit of a larry david vibe going on (appearance-wise)

I'm looking forward to the scene that's a 17 minute long take of a conversation where Liam Cunningham talks to Stannis about the business of the soul

also, les incompétents, ftlog, les incompétent~s~

The tossed-out [feature] is another example of [A.V. Club's] apparent compulsion for over-flexing [its] bourgeois intellectual muscle.

There's no such thing as an attorney in the England and Wales jurisdiction PEACE

The Thick Of It shits all over Peep Show

I hate to contribute to this ridiculous ongoing conversation but

the film scratches the surface of the full extent of the gruesome horror of what went on in the case. The view is that even the public in Adelaide don't realise and the very worst of it was heard in the trial. the film's an unpleasant watch but you're probably getting off a bit lightly

The Thick Of It doesn't really struck me as the kind of thing borne of an inside-out understanding of UK politics - moreso politics generally. I've always felt it's more of an office comedy set in the heightened, rarefied world of politics. Which means it could be readily adapted to the US without needing an

god this show is just the fucking worst, it feels focus-grouped to within an inch of its life by a bunch of 20-something bloggers with all of its ridiculous, ostentatious box-ticking (perhaps even laying it on a bit thicker than even Entourage). and yet I can't look away. the cast is pretty charming and it has some

unnecessarily namedrop Claire de Lune (which, by the way, not exactly flawless) and Great Gatsby and yet somehow it's the show with a pretentiousness problem? sure

a laugh or two? the gg writer's room would probably have to be one of the funniest and most enjoyable in TV at the moment.

say what you want about the tuneless miserablist
but Thom Yorke has excellent taste in producers

2 for 2
show slays

oh you did not just compare the neptunes to fucking danger mouse

the grime rap UK scene
sounds like a turn of phrase that AV Club would use to describe grime

you're an absolute cunt for using the word 'weltanschauung' in a review for F.E.A.R. fucking 3, jesus christ. have a word with yourself.

I feel
as though you've misused the word 'nymphet' here. Though it's by no means old, 25 strikes me as maybe too old to qualify as a nymphet?