
I feel
as though you've misused the word 'nymphet' here. Though it's by no means old, 25 strikes me as maybe too old to qualify as a nymphet?

I preferred this episode to last week but it's splitting hairs really because I am very, very fond of this show. All facets of it.

nah Zack, still funny

I think it's really more of a running gag than an in-joke

This dude
playing Hamlet directed by Sam Mendes on the West End later this year at the Young Vic

This is pretty depressing stuff. I consider myself fairly apolitical and both sides of the political spectrum shit me to tears, but to see a playwright I admire lapse into this sort of rhetoric is a bit strange.


The plural of hovercraft
is hovercraft

somewhat disappointing
that the only siting of Treme in this list is in the spelling of Extreme Makeover

The big parties in Treme
remind me of the climactic parties in every episode of Gossip Girl where all the characters run into each other and shit goes down

I was gonna come in here all 'you dickheads should cover Homicide' but there it was, under Fridays. Well played, what a show.

This is a big Raylan episode, I'm surprised you didn't talk about him/Olyphant more. Barring whatever transpires in next week's episode this strikes me as Olyphant's ~Emmy episode~. He carried it superbly. The character is taken in openly angry directions that we've never really seen him go before but it's both

from the pilot

I know the sentiment's a bit trite
but how is The Simpsons not on this list?

Something about this story gives me a boner
and it starts with A and ends with rmando Iannucci

in the title sequence when she sorts of bends forward a bit and you see a bit of cleavage (if I recall correctly. it must have been a tiny little bit tho). I'm pretty sure that was the first time i ever felt sexually aroused by anyone.

Why are you reviewing this dross
but not Gossip Girl which is still pretty consistently hilarious?

This guy knows the score. some pretty great TV credits out there of late (including the Boardwalk Empire sequence, one of my faves)

Oh My God!
There's no sink!