
I'm saving up a good rant about "300" and what a terrible, fascist piece of shit it is.

B to the motherfucking UFFY.

"And it's weird that the crew seemed surprised by the suggestion that anyone should step onto the surface of the moon."

..or so they claim.

Nobody'll ever read this, but I'm late to the game and just re-watching the series now.  In the beginning of "Quagmire", Mulder does mention a salt water crocodile that was found in a lake in New England, so the idea of the crocodile is subtly floated (ha!) out there, but none of the characters pick up on it.  It's a

The book is absolute shit. I read it after the (clearly mentally ill) reviewer at io9 gave it a good write-up, but it's terrible.  It is pure, undiluted Mary Sue fiction, and poorly written at that. Sure, the words are all spelled correctly, and most sentences contain a noun AND a verb, but beyond that it fails

"The Aristocrats!"

Hush. Let us never speak those evil words again.

Hush. Let us never speak those evil words again.

Having rewatched this episode on Netflix instant lately, I think Spike's mother did indeed goad Spike into killing her.  As he stakes her, she smiles, and turns to dust beaming at him.  It's a touching and tragic little moment.

POKE 59458,62

POKE 59458,62

For the line "De-crucify him or I'll melt your face" alone, surely Barbarella deserves at least a "B."

For the line "De-crucify him or I'll melt your face" alone, surely Barbarella deserves at least a "B."

Now that's what I call service! Thanks!  Additionally, I now know there's a Buffy/Angel wiki (of COURSE there is).

Nobody will ever see this, but just in case..
Was Andy Hallett playing Connor's dad in the family scene at the end of "Home"?  The voice sounded very similar, but he wears so much makeup as Lorne it was hard for me to tell.

Also, aka "The Secret Apprentice" in "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed"

It's not. The reviewer was mistaken. They even name the star system (Gliese 581), which is 20 ly away from Earth.  Still doesn't make sense, but it's marginally less stupid.