
Got it in one, AB!  She/they were just both super-special that way.

It's actually a silver tapeworm-looking thing that wraps around your brain stem, murders you, and takes control of your brain and body.  Just as Sparkle Vampires are to Dracula, the Souls are to the Slugs in "The Puppet Masters."

Oh god, "The Host" is TERRIBLE.  It might literally be the worst book I've ever read. The deluded fools at IO9 recommended it and, more fool I, I trusted them. It is pure, undiluted Mary Sue fiction, and poorly written at that. Sure, the words are all spelled correctly, and most sentences contain a noun AND a verb,

As intangible fancy said above, the studio only sees a small fraction of the oversees gross (somewhere around 15%), whereas they receive about 70% of domestic gross.  
Also, the distribution and marketing costs for a movie are usually roughly equal to the production costs, although they might be twice that for small

Yes!  "Abyss" may be the only movie novelization I've ever read, and it was fantastic. It added depth to the story and really expanded the characters without altering the plot of the movie.

@Frodo: I recall reading it in a Cinefex or VFXWorld article many years ago [citation needed].   If I remember correctly, the plan was to use the mocap (you can see Serkis in the ping-pong ball suit in some of the making-of documentaries), but either because of quality issues (mo-cap is finicky) or artistic reasons,

Actually, no motion capture in LoTR made to the final frames. The mo-cap was used only as reference footage, or as a starting point, for the animators.

GAH!  No, Rango was not rotoscoped and "traced." It was hand-animated (on a computer of course) just like a PIxar film.  There was no rotoscoping whatsoever in the production of Rango.

Let me guess: you know a lot of sysadmins.

The tedious truth is movie posters aren't made by the production company itself (just as the menus at a restaurant aren't usually designed or printed by the cooks).  The production company gives the poster/promo-material firm a set of photos — usually a folder full of headshots and some stock location photos — and

Augh!  What did Sophist post? Why was it deleted? S/he's my favorite source of Buffy analysis!

@John Dog: And yet, hilariously, VFX budgets are actually getting smaller and smaller, and the schedules tighter. VFX is a global business now, and many countries (England, New Zealand, India) provide massive tax breaks for VFX work. So the studios bid super-low and expect (and get) quality work for very little

Naw, 'Feast' wasn't so bad. It wasn't great by any means, but it was a solid B monster movie with a few nice stylistic elements thrown into the mix. The acting was decent, the monster effects were very efficiently used, and they (spoiler) kill the cute kid. How can you not like that?

You can't have a film without ILM
Neither Stan Winston, nor ILM worked on this film. The wikipedia page that you got this information from is wrong (and has since been fied). So, you're correct that this isn't just any Bollywood film, but nor is a big budget east-west co-production.

"Joe Eszterhas tackles virgin"