
Oh you have to do it, the intro is the hardest part and after that it's just a joy. It's not even a great episode, but there's so many little Harris moments that you'll be glad you listened.

I like both Deftones and Far, but that cover definitely just sounds like a bunch of friends in a room messing about.

When my last band started gigging we barely had enough songs to fill half an hour, so we padded our set with Savory (and also Cave In's Anchor, another great song. I'd love to read a piece like this on their Antenna LP), but try as we might we just couldn't ever make it sound anywhere near as good as the original.

Unless the casting for The Leisure Class throws up some pretty interesting choices for wealthy British folk, then I don't think darker blacks will be much of an issue anyway.

That would be very smart, and ironic given the number of times he's been told to 'pick his battles' over the demands to shoot on film.

The way Jason's managed to manipulate the situation from having to make a hacky, broad comedy to getting to shoot his own script at HBO's expense is audacious but definitely to be applauded. He's hard to warm to, but you can't fault his vision.

Oh I didn't think he was going to do it intentionally, I thought it would be as a result of him trying to something that stretched the definition of 'murder' and backfired horribly.

I was convinced Forest was going to kill his Dad. I think that's the only thing that could have made me feel worse than the coffee stand bit towards the end of last season.

I don't know why I don't love this show. I've watched every episode, I like the cast and the characters, and Mike Schur's responsible for a million things I hold dear, but… I just don't love this show the way I loved Parks or the Office and I can't put my finger on why.

Wasn't teary until the Harris tribute, promptly lost it a little bit. RIP Parks, RIP Harris.

Yeah, I spent the first half hour thinking 'this is truly a worst episode ever situation', and then Dan turned it into a top 5 classic. Not enjoying the three day wait for the audio though, I'd happily pay the subscription if it meant I could have the podcast on the Monday. I just don't have time to sit down and watch

I can't stand Metallica but I loved the film and ended up really enjoying that book too. Such a shame.

I must have listened to 20+ hours of the guy between the various podcasts he was on, and I liked him enormously. Gutted.

BEAK! There was so much gold in that cold open too, between Dee's 'tache and the alcohol-soaked worms.

If Sam Smith's getting heat for ripping I Won't Back Down, then for their sake I hope Petty's lawyers don't hear the last two Noah & the Whale albums, which both feature about twenty different versions of it.

I've heard of turning to the dark side, but turning to Rick Moranis to make a sequel?!

I couldn't stand the first two LC! releases - something about Gareth's voice did my head in - but I connected with RIB in a big way, and after struggling a little with Hello Sadness I'm back on board in a big way for No Blues.

When that Boxcar record came out, it really didn't sound like a Blink 182 record. It only seems that way looking back, with the context of the Blink albums that followed it.

I just rewatched season 6, did that Madison girl just vanish?

If I hadn't dated an American girl I would never have known about/gotten into the State/Stella/M&MHI or Wet Hot. It was also years after the fact that I stumbled across Mr Show, and I can't imagine life without it now.