
That +44 record has some legit quality alt rock tunes. I have some first-hand Blink 182 experience, and Tom is as dickish as Mark is lovely.

I like B-99 a bunch, but with Parks & the Office behind him I hope whatever Mike Schur does next is more emotionally satisfying. Also, I like to pretend that all three shows exist in the same universe. Also also, I 100% didn't cry during 'Leslie and Ron'. Not even a bit. Nary a sniffle.

Absolute plague of underdeveloped ensemble casts this new season, Marry Me, Mulaney & Selfie. Each have two strong(ish) leads then a bunch of interchangeable nobodies.

Listening to Frightened Rabbit's 'Dead Now' on repeat and sobbing. Had to happen sooner or later though, right?

In terms of arriving fully-formed, knowing exactly what it is and who its characters are, I think Enlisted may have had the strongest sitcom pilot I've seen since Party Down, possibly even Arrested Development.

Man, when he quit the coffee stand I could barely hear the show over my own squirming. THAT POOR OLD MAN!

My only problem with this episode was a percussive piece of the score right near the start that sounded horribly like that drum fill at the start of 'In the Air Tonight' by Phil Collins.

Dan's mentioned a few times on the Harmontown podcast that he & Chevy still speak. When Chase came back to film his short cameo in this season's Repilot episode it had to be done away from the rest of the cast, and for the most part he was kept separate from them during his last few shoots of season 4. I'm sure there

The issue is between Chevy & the cast, not Chevy & Dan.