
Most of the commercials aren't even good anymore! They used to be entertaining, creative, epic commercials. It was the one time of the year when commercials were actually kind of fun. Now people still talk about them like they are, because they've been conditioned to, and all the ladies at my work talk about only

Also, Up With Penis.

That was definitely the best thing to come out of this exchange.

It sounds overcompressed.

So are Metallica.

Next year I'm gonna dress up as Party of Five for Halloween.

Roasted turkey on a Hawaiian sweet roll, with romaine, hummus, whole-grain mustard, and a little mayo. Plus an orange. Not bad.

By the way, trying to post the above comment, I got this message: “You must authenticate the user or provide author_name and author_email,” even though I’m already logged in, so I just spent the last ten minutes reloading the page and hitting “Load more comments” twenty times, then trying the find function on the

Yep, there it is. And depending on the browser, it's almost impossible to make it go away.

Below is the complete text of an email my friend at work sent to me five years ago. I printed it out and hung it on my cubicle wall, where I'm looking at it right now.

I haven't heard the album, but I know that was when he was hanging with Fu-Schnickens all the time, and that's a good place to take off from when you're making a hip hop album.

I think I have another request for Great Boos Up on his time travel mission.

Amazing! I knew from movies that pot was basically the same as LSD, but autism?

Bowser in the original Japanese games is called Koopa, right? I think in America they didn't think it sounded butch enough, so they called him Bowser and used Koopa for all those little turtles.

Argh, I forgot about that. It sounds like a joke. I mean, it contradicts the name of the franchise.

White Man's Burden! A big deal was made of it being one of his first post-Pulp Fiction movies, but I think it was made before Pulp Fiction came out, and it's pretty obvious in retrospect. It definitely feels more like a movie with John Travolta when he was slumming rather than at the crest of his biggest comeback.

The first Pink Panther movie was The Pink Panther.

Oh, is that what Ducky performs (heh) in the record store? I haven't seen that in a while.


In an outtake, she does 37 (and NPH, apparently, kept count of them in real time).