
I still can't believe they straight up ripped off the "vomit-free" joke from Seinfeld. Balls!

For all the meta shit this show has always done, I don't know that we've ever seen somebody look at the camera before (outside of Barney's winking during his history lesson cutaways). It really was perfect.

I have a theory that we're seeing the Sherri Shepard scenes because one of Jason Segel's conditions for coming back for a ninth season is that Marshall would have to take a road trip with a sassy black woman.


Or nuclear waste.

Early in their relationship, and before they were actually a couple, Robin and Barney’s relationship was very organic and they had great chemistry together, but that has long ago been supplanted by a bunch of broad, gimmicky sitcom zaniness that makes it impossible to buy them as a real couple, because they’re not

It was tiny, wasn't it! I can see it in my mind, but I didn't register it when I was seeing it. That's true of a lot of things in this show, actually; it's so dense with jokes and storylines that some of them whiz right by me, even now that the show has gotten so much broader.

A bigger lighthouse. (If you know what I mean.)

So romantic!

I wonder if that was foreshadowing to why Ted's hand is bandaged at the train station after the wedding.

I don't know that there's such a thing as an easy time adopting a baby. Even rich and famous people have a hard time of it a lot of the time.

I figured it would be some funk, because Marshall's love of the funk is one of my favorite running gags in the show. Once the song started up, I was like, "Oh, duh! Road trip."

That car commercial showcasing how tough and cool Detroit is with "Lose Yourself" playing over it made me want to go to Detroit. It was more effective as a tourism ad for Detroit than it was as a car commercial; I don't even remember what company it was for.

What do you mean?

Josh Radnor is an Ohio boy, too (Columbus, though).

The music often reminds me that the creators of this show are almost exactly my age. I can pretty much guarantee you that Bays and Thomas saw that song performed in The Commitments back in the day.

It was old and (barely) collectible. If she is a coin nerd, she might remember it.

Pretty sure she's drinking gin and tonics. Hey…. going by the standard HIMYM booze guide, maybe THAT'S why she's been so cranky and angry this whole season. That stuff is what you use to start a fight.

This guy sounds like a real dork.

This is how he opens up about it. He sublimates his grief into stupidity.