
"Tom is such a terrible person." - Mike Schur

Lately I almost always have one of the Bad Lip Reading songs running through my mind, specifically the ones from tv shows and movies. "Seagulls (Stop It Now)" from the Empire Strikes Back video, featuring Yoda annoying Luke with a ridiculous song about going to the beach, "Bushes of Love" from Star Wars, "Don't Stare

It turns out the zebra did it.

I always come back to this one from the Madonna interview:
"You have to leave now."
"No, I want this to go on forever."

The thing I’ll miss most is how incredibly *fast* he is. In what is obviously a spontaneous and legitimate conversation, he could fire off a retort that is far funnier and smarter than anything you’ve ever heard anyone say. It was incredible. It’s most obvious in the times when everything goes off the rails (the

Bruno Kirby… He's not just a cop… he's a Cop on the Edge.


I think they mentioned a couple of times early on that it was a virus, but yeah, I tend to think they won't address it further. They seem to have approached it sketch-style: Just set up the bit, and let it play out from the setup.

I hate when women tell me to clean my cesspool. You don't own me, bitch!

Yep. Leave it to Fox to begin a show already burning off episodes.

Oh yeah. He was a big part of the soundtrack to the 80s Boomer divorce epidemic.

True story: This is one of my favorite songs. McDonald is a seriously underrated songwriter. I didn't realize Temperton was involved in this one, but I can definitely hear it.

Come for the sexism, stay for the racism.

To this day I'm not sure if that girl was pulled from the actual show or one of the modern actors.

That's not Pitbull, it's Amy Poehler!!!

It would have to suck to be in a band with Eddie Vedder for twenty years, and you keep aging into a middle-aged schlub in the normal way, and he just keeps getting handsomer and handsomer.

I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missoura.

My favorite part of that scene is that when they come out of the theater, their faces are totally blank. They don't look perplexed, freaked out, tittilated, disturbed, just totally expressionless. It's like their 10-year-old minds had no frame of reference for even having a reaction to it.

That joke was Too Big To Get.