
At least if they were on MTV or My So-Called Life.

It wasn't, though. Aerosmith didn't get into adult contemporary cheez whiz until that Armageddon song years later. This song was teenager music. Adults didn't care about it.

Yeah, the three Aerosmith videos.

"This is an outrage, because Spike is the director who has just? (sigh). I'm
from Switzerland. Let me just tell everyone that and since I was a small boy I
had dreamed that Spike would win this. And now that this has happened, I want to tell everyone this is a farce, and I had all the ideas for the Star Wars and

I think it's that "Video of the Year" and "Song of the Year" goofiness, or maybe "Video of the Year" and "Director of the Year" (which they always awarded to the band and not the director, because what's a director?).

'Cause a navel pus party's got pus!

I forgot about the Alanis Morissette one! Yeah, all those were hilarious.

Did it though?

"Dream On." …Wait, no! dammit!

Also thanks to hot chicks. They knew what side their bread was buttered on. I've actually always been impressed with all the ways they were able to stay relevent, usually by understanding that people like looking at hot girls more than they like looking at ugly old rock musicians.

Yeah, re-jumpstarted is a good term for it. Four years passed between Pump and Get a Grip. That's a huge time away in pop music terms. When Pump came out I was a little kid, and when Get a Grip came out I was a teenager in prime popular music-listening age.
This band's had more comebacks than John Travolta.

I think most people have a problem with her because they think they're supposed to. For forty years they've been hearing this story about a talentless shrew breaking up the best band in the world, and they've internalized it so much that they're compelled to say stuff like "The wrong one got shot!

Needs more food.

WITH her son.

I think she and Julian are cool now.

Louise was killing it with the one-liners in this episode.

It's crazy how excited I am for Bob's Burgers to be back.

I thought that too. They were pretty careful to not have any sounds you couldn't actually be hearing in the vacuum (or at least to do them in a very stylized way), but it's like they felt compelled to fill in every bit of the resulting silence with loud music. If they had overdone the still, silent parts, it could

Yeah, he was using clips from silent films and 60s sexploitation flicks in his songs and videos back in the mid-90s. He's always shown a pretty huge film knowledge base and an interesting aesthetic.

Sunrise is so good. Murnau was a genius.