
I thought that too. Maybe she likes it too, but this interview makes it clear that it would have to be more his kind of deal than hers.

I haven't seen that movie in many years, but I remember thinking when I watched it that The Texas Chain Saw Massacre would not exist without Spiderbaby.

I love lamp.

I like how hilariously, garishly brutal that one is, the imagery it calls up. I'm imagining someone actually being dragged screaming into the street and shot to death. Happy Halloween, everybody!

In Nick Offerman's Nerdist interview, he talked about the old-timey music duo Megan has with some younger chick I hadn't heard of, and quoted Eric McCormick as saying "It's like if you wanted to fuck the Judds."

Never let people know where the buttons are.

I haven't read about it outside of this article, so I'm still trying to figure out whether to take that as truth or a bit of O'Neal snark.

I've been avoiding watching it too, but just because the initial experience was so horrifying I don't know that I want to go through it again soon. (And apparently in this case "soon" means for fifteen years.)

Yeah Danica McKellicar!

They're spinning off part of the title. This thing's going down in flames.

I want that dude to be in everything.

Listen, if the timeline for the current show isn't too confusing for CBS's audience, nothing is. Flashbacks within flashbacks, flashforwards within flashbacks, flashbacks told by multiple people in a row, all within the larger flashback from the future to the present that makes up the framing device. It's nuts.

I think we all know that's going to happen one way or the other.

Gilbert Gottfried.

In fairness, monotone line reading girl gets the only laughs on that show.

I've done that like twice today. I'm just gonna go ahead and blame nüdisqus.

I love Goldblum!

Sometimes I think people remember it as being scarier than it was because of the MONSTER jump scare with the old man.

How I Met Your New Mother

Okay, I didn't realize you had made the joke because your like didn't stick, so I made the joke you had already made and mine didn't stick. DISQUUUSSSSS!!!!!!!!