
One small leak on the mountain pass…
Half of Kristin Hersh is cut in half…


The main grocery store I go to has this one weird checkout lane that has all the old candy you never see anymore - candy necklaces, Sweet-Tarts, Beeman's and Clove and Blackjack gum, Astro Pops, Mallo Cups, all kinds of stuff. Whenever I happen to end up in that lane I get a Zagnut bar. They're still good.

"Nice fuckin' model"? I'm pretty sure that was an ad-lib. It definitely sounds like something that would come out of Michael Keaton's head.

edit: damn, somebody beat me to it and did it better

I love that movie. I barely even remember the plot, just amazingly atmospheric visuals, barely legal Christina Ricci at her most jaw-dropping, Christopher Walken being creepy, and Johnny Depp being prissy. It was great.


If anyone but Michael Keaton is playing the title character, I'm gonna kick Tim Burton square in the nuts.

Hey look, it's Robin Thicke!

Hm, I see more informed people already said everything I just posted two days before I even read this article. :^p Thanks for the info.

I *think* he owned Calvin + Hobbes outright, at least by the end, but in any case those stickers weren't sanctioned by him or the syndicate; they were done by shitty little ripoff operations, probably many of them, and were totally unauthorized.

The Complete Peanuts reprint books from Fantagraphics are essential.

Have you guys seen the giant stickers people put on their back car windows memorializing a loved one who died? Like all the way across the window? What the hell is that?? I'm always torn between feeling sorry for them that they lost someone, and being pissed off at them for memorializing someone in such a tacky,

What the fuck is the k-word? …Oh, never mind, got it, I think.

"I think I will, good lady!"

And he makes his own furniture, instead of buying it like a baby.

Leslie does the best terrible English accent. I'm surprised they even did it with another character.

Twitter Watergate

Really? I've not been missing Andy too much, but with Ann out I felt like there was a big hole in the show.

About 6'3"