
That's not quite the ending I expected that story to have.

That's what I was thinking.  It's certainly my least favorite.

That's one of my favorite Parks moves - make a killer joke, then raise the stakes with the follow-up.

I think Leslie might have made that salad.

I like that he's a nerd about things beyond the stereotypical things like Star Trek and superhero comics.  He's a nerd, but kind of a general pop culture nerd, as well as a specifically Gen-X nerd.  (Remember the Letters to Cleo t-shirt?)  What a great character.  It's truly nice having him on a network tv show. 

Ah, come on, she was just freaking out.  I thought it was in character and totally understandable if you take into account that she's kind of nuts.

Mmmm, sugar-mustard!

I love how he dropped that weird Clooney thing and just casually moved past it. 

My little brother used to do a hilariously overexaggerated impression of that line that still cracks me up to this day, and he was like eight then.

And at least one that was colder than shit.

Roger Ebert had a theory that Cage is doing some sort of long-form acting experiment where he only takes the very best and very worst scripts offered to him.

You mean they aren't?  Then what the hell have *I* been doing?

I'm hearing him hit the T really hard. 

Dammit Bucky!


She also wishes her kid were Ben Schwartz.

Yeah, well, you haven't seen the piece she wrote about "Addams Groove."

Yeah, Eminem's got chops, there's no denying it.  The guy's gifted.  Vanilla Ice had a haircut.  (Was a haircut?)

@Smacky the Frog - Nah, man, you gotta get right in there and beat the hell out of him.

And now, magic window, hit me in the back of the head!