
Yeah, I haven't laid eyes on some scramblevision in a long time.  Weird to see.

It really is, man.  Good luck getting off if you're not in the mood to see someone's insides.

Cookie Monster?

I didn't realize he was married to Katharine Ross until reading this interview.  Way to get even cooler, Mr. Elliott.

My wife has a bit of a thing for him.  She's way into voices, so it was kind of a gimme.

There's just one thing, Sam… Do ya have to use so many cuss words?

You guys really know how to reel people in with a headline.  That's like four of life's greatest things.

Kaleidoscoped Commodore 64 graphics sounds pretty fly and not at all pretentious. 

I always wanted to see that and the space one, but for some reason I always felt like I should see all the other, who-cares movies in the series first, and I certainly didn't want to do that, so I never got around to it. The first one was fun, though.

I'm impressed by how deep into actual Irish folklore they dug in that movie. I couldn't tell you how accurate it is, but I'm impressed they did it at all.  Great flick.

After seeing Gas Food Lodging I fell pretty much instantly in love with her. 

Disqus is awesome if you like things that SUCK

Growing up in Indianapolis, I've heard Tom Raper ads on tv my whole life.  I always assumed he was in Indiana.

On I-69 in Indiana, I saw a big billboard advertising 69 Liquors. It mentioned pretty prominently that they sell 69 Liquors t-shirts.

That's like 85% of pop music now.  It sounds like people screwing around with gadgets on their computer for the first time. Pitch-shifted voices, autotune, that upward whoosing noise on every dance song…

A bunch of aging nerds are talking about her on the internet right now, I'd say they're doing something right.

@avclub-57985f8fc049b74b130bd6f55173d2e5:disqus - That part's actually kind of cute.

@avclub-4a41426212472d896dfc021d9e139baa:disqus - They really need to sell greeting cards for that.

Eh, I think he was just using the movie as a springboard for some pro-science and pro-space program propaganda, and God bless 'im for it.

"NOWno no nanononaw…  NOWno no nanononaow…."