
As opposed to easygoing sweethearts like Isaac Asimov?

Watch out, we got a badass over here!

Watch out, we got a badass over here!

Man, I really need to finally see that movie.  I really liked the little robots when I was a kid, because you'd see them everywhere.  Somebody had to point out to me years later that it was Disney trying to rip off Star Wars; at the time I just assumed that little robots were something that were in movies, I guess.

Aw haw haw haww!

@avclub-b7b9dd0625b3c83b60422ec34a9a7174:disqus - "aping," haha

All I could think (besides being intrigued and terrified by the premise) was that it looked like it couldn't possibly be like any other movie.  The setup is inherently unconventional.  People careening through space after getting smashed into while repairing the space telescope, how do you turn that into a boring

ermahgerd!  lerns fler!

That makes one of us!  I was about to die by the end of this movie.

JOHN LANDIS:  "Pfffsshh."

Watching the movie I saw her in her space underwear and something entirely different popped up.

I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

A Hard Day's Night - When George ate some pavement in the opening credits, that was for real.

That's the best analogy I've seen so far. (She's way cooler than Cruise on a personal level, though.)

I thought it was interesting that her first response was to float on her back, since floating has been how she got around for however long she was in space. And of course she doesn't really have a problem until she gets to shore.  But then she struggles through, and stands up, the camera looking up to her like she's a

Lot of levels in that title.

The Russians in this movie basically destroyed the entire space program of every country in the world!  Except for the stuff sent to other planets; maybe that can be the sequel.

Yeah, I liked that they gave her basically no reason to stay alive and get back to earth except for being alive itself.  Her daughter was dead, she didn't seem to have any family that cared about her (she mentioned that no one would mourn her if she died), she almost definitely didn't have any friends.  The only

Yeah, Sandy in her drawers was the other visual spectacle in this movie.  Holy damn, man.

I don't think my heart could have taken two full hours of this fucking movie.