
My brother was saying the impression he got is it was like Cast Away, where it looks like it would be boring but it's actually riveting when you see it.  I said, Have you seen the trailers?? You thought THAT looked boring?

I bought every moment of panic, not only because she was a specialist on her first mission and not a lifer, but because of the experience early on of spinning into the void, not even able to guess where she is.  I mean, she went far, too.  The shot near the end of that sequence where she's framed against the Milky Way

That's one of the only problems I had with the movie.  The Russians basically destroyed every man-made object in earth orbit in this movie by blowing up a satellite.  Two space stations, the space shuttle… Can't remember if the Hubble got wrecked in the initial brouhaha, but, probably!

I had a crazy moment where I half-expected her to look up and see a bunch of 30s-serial-style natives with spears standing on the shore staring at her.

They seemed to carefully make it clear that the knowledge she was getting from Clooney (that she could use the landing thrusters to power the craft toward the space station) was already in her memory.  Clooney even says it explicitly - something like "You know this" or "You learned this."

It's pretty clear to me that people saying Bullock didn't put in a good performance or was miscast already had that opinion in mind from the moment they first heard it from somebody else when she was first cast.  It was an astonishing performance.

You guys realize that Futurama didn't invent the old two-heads-sewn-onto-one-body gag, don't you?  That's been around for decades and multiple crappy exploitation movies, notably that one with Ray Milland as a racist attached to Rosey Grier.

Should it be 104 seasons?

We're here!  We're queer!  We don't want any more bears!

Scooby-Doo can doo-doo, but Jimmy Carter is smarter!

Is this the sink? Am I shrinking?

Same here!  I actually haven't heard a solo song of his that I didn't like, but that song is perfect.

gonna have ya nekkid
by the end of this song

That video is creepy as hell.  The fact that you see just enough of the chick to know it's definitely meant to be Britney makes it so much creepier.

You sure he's not leaving to be a Rick Bayless impersonator?

Well "disappearing" probably should not be one of the quirks she has to adapt to.

It's stupid.  You know, def. Fresh.  Phat.  Fly.  Dope.

bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow-wow-wow, bwowowowowowow-wow-wow-bwow,  ba-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow-wow-wow, bwowowowowowow-wow-wow-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow-wow-wow, bwowowowowowow-wow-wow-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow-wow-wow, bwowowowowowow-wow-wow-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow, ba-bwow-wow-wow,

I think it's because he and Timbaland made a whole bunch of really good songs together that still hold up as long as ten years later.  Also he's funny, charismatic, good-looking, can laugh at himself, and it turns out he's even a pretty good actor.  Like him or not, his success is *anything* but a mystery.

Hah, good call.