
I followed your instructions exactly!

*deep throats water fountain spigot*

That IS April being nice to Ann.

Yeah, there's no way in hell that was the "end" of April's character development.  More like the beginning, I think. Guys, remember that the season just started.  It's silly to assume they're just gonna have her go back to being an apathetic slacker city government drone.

That guy tastes terrible.

Bovine University?

Yeah, it's not just the baby stores, it's the fact that it's a normal town with resources that normal people would want to have in a town.  I don't know how much people realize it, but small towns in Indiana (and to a large degree big towns in Indiana) really are a lot like Pawnee.  It’s obviously exaggerated in the

Why do people always think this?  People complain that she's portrayed as a perfect do-gooder who can do no wrong, but when the show deliberately shows her being absolutely horrible for comedy and character development reasons, everyone's like, "Oh, sure, Leslie can be as horrible as she wants and we're just supposed

Underplayed is what this show does (sometimes).  I have a feeling it will be more fleshed out in later episodes.  As for the moment of making the decision, April is hardly the type to make a big heartfelt speech, or even explain herself at all, when making a decision.  It would be all inside her head, and when

There was a fashion component.

Yeah, I don't think she was anticipating the "shoot first, think never" mob mentality that passes for public discourse in America.

@avclub-436f81919fe905bc83e80cb1b55b7f0e:disqus - It's one of those things where you only know what it tastes like from it being in that one thing.  Like the juniper flavor in gin.  What the fuck does juniper taste like?  It tastes like gin. 

I actually think her 'do is looking pretty hot most of the time.  She just needs to put her tongue back in her mouth.

Actually I think Bieber looks like her butch lesbian cousin from Moosejaw.

I've been hearing the idea floated that those weren't even legitimate tweets from Sinead O'Connor.  I have to say, I don't see her as a big tweeter.


Yeah, but he's a huge asshole.

I always knew he was a big softie.

Then Kathleen Turner comes out and beats him to death for wearing white shoes after Labor Day.

Once my wife and I were at my mom's house looking at old photos, and my mom found a picture of my brother that was very reminiscent of my dad.  My mom goes, "Who does that look like, the way he's standing?"  And without missing a beat, my wife says, "Rory Calhoun."  I was so proud.