
Are you sure she naw Brih-ish, innit?

Nothing too outrageous there… That's a pretty accurate summation of the show even to people who like it.

or Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Wasn't it Rodrigo de Goya?  Or possibly Rodrigo Latoya. 

The backup dress is just classy.  :(

That was a weird joke for me… I know they were trying to tie it in with the Princess Bride stuff, but I don't think I know any older folks hip enough to know who Mandy Patinkin is.  Maybe old Jewish people, but certainly not any of Robin and Barney's elderly Canadian and trailer trash relatives.

I kind of got the impression they'd been bonding over Marshall's freakouts for a while already, but I couldn't prove it.

The dialogue about sexual attraction to buildings was amazing.  What did they call it again? 

That bugged me once I realized it, but then I realized I'm glad they're using some restraint and not overdoing it.  I just hope they don't use restraint to the extent of not showing her again until the finale.

Thank you Linus.

See, I love jokes like that too, but I didn't get that vibe from that scene at all.  It seemed like just more zaniness for the audience.  But I always enjoyed in the first couple of seasons that the leads would say funny things on purpose, and then the others would laugh at them.

I still think that's a dumb storyline, but Daphne and Lily having become friends made me laugh. 


Well, see, I made explicit in my comment that I'm NOT doing that and was just vaguely worried about the show dipping in quality, but again, sorry to have personally offended you.

That's a COSSSSSBY sweatshirt!  a COSSSSSBY sweatshirt!

He is one good… polentologist…

The This Old House guys are fun, especially Richard.

If I'm wrong, I'll be very happy.  I've just seen so many great shows start to smell funny around the season 4 mark, I get nervous.

Yup, someone being disappointed with an episode of a tv show is everything that is wrong with the internet. Terribly sorry to all of you, I changed my mind, it was wonderful.

Among other problems, I think the decision to leave the restaurant AND leave the supporting characters who usually ground everything when they do an episode based outside the restaurant really hurt them.