
This episode kind of sucked.  It was too broad and hardly had ANY of the clever, sweet, creative vibe I've come to expect from this show.  There's a *chance* it's not simply the usual transition from season 3 overreaching brilliance to season 4 lackluster mediocrity and corniness, and I hate to discount the whole

Deregulation benefits large corporations pretty much exclusively.

Yeah, but saying corporations shouldn't be taxed or regulated is as libertarian as you can get (or at least the perverted American version of libertarian that deliberately conflates individual liberty with the freedom of corporations to oppress people). 

I think you're thinking of the Office finale.

She's elite the way those ivory tower libtard hipsters with their alternative comedy and their books are elite (i.e. not at all). 

You realize libertarianism isn't a real political viewpoint, right?  it's just rebellion against the only the only source of power that people are allowed to rebel against now, the government (i.e. the only authority that is actually controlled by the people).  The real power is corporate America, which by by having

……i REALLY need to know more about this guy.

Our problem is not enough shelving.  We have a lot of books and records and no intention of getting rid of them, and they would be perfectly fine with a place for all of them to go, but a combination of laziness, indecision, and retailers' reluctance to sell us what we want means our house looks like prematurely

Cloud that shit!

Any news site comments.

@avclub-793e947eae91188030ba41cff6a5c55c:disqus - Sour beer?  Like those Belgian Lambic beers with the fruit in them?

Username/comment synergy is making me want a sandwich.

@avclub-394dc8be941678fb1dcfc647005e6af6:disqus - It sort of sounds like I'm the philistine in this exchange!  I like all those blends just fine, though I wouldn't have any of them neat except for maybe Johnnie Walker Black.

Just tonight I cracked a bottle of Oban.  Brilliant stuff, as complex and remarkable as the Islay malts but more subtle and without the trademark smoke and peat taste, or less of it anyway.  I've always heard it described as "grassy," which I was half-expecting to be some pseudo-bullshit wine connoisseur-style jargon

Trivia:  A version of this exchange happens on the internet an average of six trillion times every day. 

We REALLY need a Kanye West gimmick account in this place.

Why, did the skit come out in 2008?

Yeah, when he had that great Michael Maltese dialogue to work with he could do subtle and character-based like nobody's business. I think a lot of the other directors get unfairly overshadowed by Chuck Jones (mainly Bob Clampett and Friz Freleng… okay mainly Clampett), due to how visible Jones was over the years, but

I want that played at my funeral.

Plus safetywise, it's not really a bad idea for a kid to have at least a broad idea of what a child molester is.