
True to a degree, mainly because of the awful sentimental wrap-ups they always did, but he was also the only character who could really have been the lead in the show.  Everyone else was either too wacky or weird, or considerably more of a cipher than Harry (the first two romantic leads - though Markie Post could have

or "AnotherRepostedAvengedSevenfoldComments"

I always thought Tony Dow kind of walked away with that show.  A deadpan for the ages.

Damn, I've rarely checked out SNL for the last few years and didn't realize Hader did a Keith Morrison impression.  That's tremendous.

I love the idea that after years of openly pining for the girl that ends up being his best friend's wife, he will end up with a girl that looks like his other best friend's wife. 

It sounds more like they stole your life and made it into a tv show.

That can't be it.

Well, mopey Ted and romantic Ted are two different modes of Ted.  Mopey Ted can be a little draining, but romantic Ted rules.  Things from the early seasons like the rain dance, the two-minute date, and the blue French horn are some of the best moments from the entire series.  I think Ted doesn't get a fair shake just

She's the assigned "female character that everyone arbitrarily hates" that every show has now.

Tyler no likey!

Speaking of running out of ideas, Paul Provenza turned into a werewolf when he was playing the replacement doctor on the last season of Northern Exposure.  It was just a dream, but you did get to see him actually wolf out.  It was actually pretty funny, and certainly a memorable image. 

Yeah, having a straight man is not the same as the lead character being a dud or a cipher.  One of the worst things about modern comedy is that they've totally lost the idea of the straight man and everybody has to be "wacky."

The AV Club

Saget definitely brings a lot to this show.  I'm consistently impressed by the way he always brings the exact right tone to whatever scene he's narrating:  funny, dry, solemn, sad, matter of fact, it's always pitch-perfect.

Sadly the show hasn't shown a lot of that lately, instead falling back on wacky behavior and unlikely situtations, but every once in a while you see it.  But yeah, back in seasons 1 and 2, that's what was so great about this show. It was like watching yourself and your smartass friends interacting, giving each other a

"Let Me Roll It," really?  Wow!  I clearly need to bone up on my Fiona Apple cover versions.  Coincidentally, I've had that song running through my mind for days.

Oh man, that sounds incredible.  I need to see the whole concert, I've only seen the "I Want You" performance.  "I Know" is a masterpiece. 

So you're saying Elvis Costello got Watchtowered?

Intanitionil Drinnige Chimmission

How you doin'?