
Orff's "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana

Yeah, but I'll bet not so world-wearily.

Really?  I mainly hear complaints from aging Gen-X fucks like me who've had that book memorized for twenty years.

All right!  Milioti Mondays!

Here we go:  A look back at the origin and history of "Yakety Sax." 

I'd be afraid to. 

Fiona fans are a passionate lot.

I saw a show from that tour. He is ferocious live.  He started out playing about eight of his rockinest songs in a row, the full songs, without interruption.  Also, at the halfway point he came out with an acoustic guitar and introduced himself as the intermission act, while the boys went back and smoked or

Barry White.

That one's mainly a problem due to the audience coughing and shifting in their seats, and the guy sitting at the piano.

"That's a dealbreaker, ladies!"

4°… depends on how you're doing it.

or "How to Disappear Completely"

Skinny + blonde = attractive.

Or a Baba Oje joke.

Or at least a seal.

Let's see what else we can make them do!

Pretty sure this is the most intense performance I've ever seen.  The most striking part actually happens after she stops singing, when she's glaring into nowhere in particular, shaking with rage and hurt.  It's like method singing.  Even when she's not making a sound, she's riveting.  I've never seen a performance

Hey, I namedropped this in a thread about Fiona Apple cover songs last week!  I MADE THIS ARTICLE HAPPEN

This is the first I've heard of or realized the Marvin Gaye comparison (somehow - it's very clear now that I hear it pointed out), but that would go a long way to explaining why I kind of like the song.