
"that disgusting culture is always going to exist" - That's the spirit!

That's what she said.

Sleeping Beauty by Junko - full-length album of a woman screaming her brains out, no accompaniment.

There was a joke on How I Met Your Mother where Lily and Marshall's gettin'-it-on music was banjo bluegrass hoedown type music, "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" or something. Not a subtle joke, but I laughed.

No one can resist my Schweddy balls.

What, you don't want to see Prince fucking Madonna?

"Mother" by the Police. 

The hammer is my penis.

Paul Harvey.

"Better run, girl… you're much too young, girl." 

"Kids and dads, and dads and kids…."

He came by it honestly.

"I Can't Come" by the Sniveling Shits

Musically I think it's kind of fun actually, but they overuse the shit out of that Michael Jackson sample. (Because they can now, I guess.)

You may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but you are *not* a porn star!

Wow.  I'm legitimately surprised to see all the hate on this guy.  He strikes me as a nice, classy, interesting, funny guy, especially since I've (finally) started listening to Nerdist.  I've not even noticed him hijacking any interviews, certainly not more than any other interviewer with a, you know, personality

Man, Money Jungle and At Newport are outstanding.  His early stuff always kind of shut me out, I couldn't get into it, but that later stuff, especially those two, holy hell.  I wouldn't even put them in the advanced slot, especially Newport. It's just great music.

A couple of years ago I became obsessed with that middle ground between jazz and rhythm & blues that existed in the mid-20th century.  Stuff like Jimmy Smith and all the organ jazz guys, Count Basie, Ben Webster, a lot of that Kansas City stuff, and for that matter the whole hard bop subgenre, a lot of that Blue Note

I know hating the Big Bang Theory is really fashionable here, but I've never really understood it.  It's not groundbreaking brilliant television or anything, but it's a perfectly good, fairly clever goofy comedy, the kind of thing to watch in syndicated reruns when you get home from work and just want to turn your

I'm impressed by how much "thought" by the rich is simply trying to convince themselves that they deserve to have more than everyone else.