
Salinger had Trek sideburns!

Lucy!  Well now I'm intrigued.  I pretty much instantly developed a crush on her when she was on Parks.  Very cute and very charming.

Braugher's character in this actually reminded me of Lt. Al Giardello from Homicide - the kind of stern, gruff boss character with a sharp, smartass wit he keeps hidden most of the time.

I'm actually a fan of Samberg's, but 1) I don't know that he was the right choice for this show, and 2) his character is too unlikeable and grating to be the lead in a series.  I spent most of the episode wanting to punch him in the stomach for being such a snotty little entitled punk.

I never saw more than a few seconds of Bitch23 (heh, that is fun) and had no idea it was any good until just now.  That sounds amazing.  Dang.

I'm actually pretty bummed that Dads is no good.  That cast is full of people I like. 

Man, that was a dumb sketch, but Farley was hilarious in it.

Here is a list of things that rhyme with Miley Cyrus.

He who loses control, loses.

The Good Guys was a blast.  I loved that show.  Seeing Bradley Whitford in over-the-top goofball mode was great. 

Has he ever commented on being a gay icon?  I'm not convinced he even realized that's what was going on, but Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch was pretty much the gayest thing that has ever happened.


Dads in particular are Barney Miller fans.

Agreed.  We all bitch about the letter grades, but Adams really brings the writing on these things and I'll miss them when they're gone for a while.

There's some similar noteage in the vocals, but mainly it ripped off the guitar riff - no small thing since in the Kravitz song at least guitar riff is like two thirds of the song.

*pours some Faygo on the carpet*

I am familiar with the works of Pablo Neruda.

The office building was built with reinforced girders.

Mr. Van Dreisen?  That's who I was hearing.

@avclub-6b4a9e228208a5008088d8ad6e1b3dd7:disqus - Hanks and Carrell are the first two episodes I listened to.  Just on a whim, because they both sounded like they would be fun.  I actually almost remarked in my comment above that Carrell reminded me of Hanks, just based on how sweet, grounded, and funny they both are.