
I wish I had a pencil-thin mustache.  :-/

It felt like a space-filler click-through piece on an entertainment magazine's site rather than an AV Club or Marah Eakin article.  Come up with a high-concept hook linking Elvis Costello on SNL to the requisite buzz subject this month, then write half an article about it… kind of disappointing.

There was a reason for that.

I like the ones by musicians mainly because they can actually talk about music.  When it's a comedian or something, the person inevitably ends up talking about the video or how much they hate the singer as a person, everything but the music and lyrics.  Sometimes it works (Posehn), but most of the time it ends up

I would like to hear the more organized rants about Don Henley that he says he normally does.  I don't doubt they are more organized; this had that feel of somebody being asked to recreate something they have said spontaneously before, and not being quite able to recreate it outside of the heat of the moment.

Holy shit!  Never, ever noticed that.

Tell that to Bill Hicks's translator.

Took me a second to see what you did there.

I think some of us escape high school more than others. 

Now let's do Chuck!

Forgot about that one!  So it is.

Yeah!  It's like how Michael Scott will every once in a while score a devastating putdown against someone, leaving you laughing not only at the putdown, but at wondering where the hell it could have come from.

Just be careful.


Cartwright's dry delivery of "I dont' think any of us expected him to say that" was the perfect way to wrap up such a perfect scene.  It's pretty much the only way you could have followed Homer's outburst after that long buildup.  I always love a good deadpan Bart line.

My favorite part of that is that they turn *back* into cavorting clowns, like the people on fire were interrupting his reverie so he mentally fixed it.

I was just young enough when I first saw this that it bothered me a little (and still does to this day, actually!) that they go around the loop multiple times, as if they somehow jumped from the part that continues onto the floor back onto the part that begins the loop.  Even knowing that it was just a visual gag and

The timing of everything in that sequence is flawless.  Like Marge completing her sentence and immediately starting to sing the circus music out of the side of her mouth…  And the way they didn't shy away from using long stretches of silence to underline everyone's confused horror at Homer apparently losing his mind…

Homer sticking out his tongue like a Peanuts character as he very carefully sculpts the mashed potatoes is just perfect.