
Well, we didn't want you to find out this way, but… we're about to declare war on you.  Sorry. 

I remember when this show's idea of a big field trip episode was going to Indianapolis, and even that was kind of over the top by Parks standards.  I will watch and look forward to being proven wrong, but this sounds like it will be dumb.

Oh, I should hate to be a dustbin in Shaftesb'ry tonight.

You're quoting it wrong wrong.

I guess they figured since it went so well the last time…

It is amazing how special his music makes even the dumbest Star Wars movies. 

Northern Exposure did an interesting variation on this, showing what the characters would be like if they lived in New York City instead of Cicely, Alaska. The result was that most of them were drastically different from how they normally are, mostly for the worse, so you get to see sweet, humble characters like

This chick's married to that short old dude from Africa who used to be in the Beatles.

Misquoting The Simpsons… that's a whuppin'.

"Dad!  It's on there again!"

There was a TON of controversy about that when it was out.  It's actually a satirical attack on the the kind of cavemen that think and act that way, but the decision to take the rapist's point of view coupled with Scott Weiland not exactly being Elvis Costello when it comes to writing lyrics meant a lot of people

giggling along

Not to mention it was a performance of his rapey-assed song.

You're an ADULT!  You're not a part of their SYSTEM!

Full disclosure:  i would l like to play the drums on her butt.

"Uh…. Don't listen to the bear, Conan!"

Her version of Percy Mayfield's "Please Send Me Someone to Love" (from the Pleasantville soundtrack along with "Across the Universe") is outstanding.  Very emotional and charming. She's a peach.

Really, no other fans of smartass classic Japanese noise?  I hate you guys.

Yeah, Nothing Man is great.  Such a bitter, cynical book and character, even by Thompson's standards. 

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus - I will still give it up for the third book just based on how harrowing it is, how thoroughly it throws you into the viewpoint of someone who has been mentally and emotionally destroyed by war, to the point where even the ostensible happy ending is melancholy and