
Toby's character suffered from being made creepy, but Gabe actually became much, much funnier (probably because there wasn't much to him before they did that).  His surrealist horror short film was one of the highlights of the last few seasons. 

That is so Michael. 

OHH, duh. I've gotten way ahead of the reviews so my memory of the timeline is scrambled. 

My best friend in grade school and high school once wrote a poem to a girl he liked, this girl named Suzanne.  The way I ended up knowing that is that I overheard two of the girl's friends talking about it. It was actually right in front of me, because it was early in freshman year and they had no way of knowing I was

You know… …………..

That epic angry one from Michael is scary as hell.  I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that look.  He looks like he's about to ruin Dwight's life.  That whole scene is kind of freaky.  He's so harmlessly goofy ordinarily, but when he goes cold, holy god.

Knock knock.

Thrift shops.

I'm starting to think this guy might be kind of immature.


My favorite is probably Story of Everest, Pre-Taped Call-In Show, or Audition.  That's about as much as I can pin it down, and I'm sure I'm leaving out something that would give those a run for their money.  There are just too many brilliant ones to keep track.

I never really laughed at that line until watching again just in the last few months, and now it's one of my favorite parts of the sketch.  I wonder what changed in that time.  (Probably something to do with being twenty years older.)

It always bugs me a little when I see people "misusing" quotation marks.


I was surprised nobody brought up the Ben Stiller Show when he was talking about being left out of the narrative.  That one gets mentioned even less than Mr. Show, and it DID have people who went on to be pretty huge.

I… huh?

They both seem to have mellowed out a lot.

I've experienced a bit of that too, but something that struck me even more rewatching recently is how good an actor David is.  The way he can sell an absolutely naturalistic and real-seeming reaction to the most absurd situations is really something. 

So Bob, do you still like to party?

Maybe he's trying not to be showoffy.