
I was always amused by the trope of having two kind of dumb burnout metalhead young guys, one blonde and one brunette, one dumb and one dumber, etc. Bill and Ted, Wayne and Garth, Beavis and Butthead.  It's so weirdly specific.

Dean Stockwell is actually a damn good suggestion.

Knock knock.

Holy crap, I read every word of this in Dennis Miller's voice.  And may I add… "Annnd uhhhh… a-heh-heh-heh!"

Naked Gun 2 1/2 had a message??

Every hurricane crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man.

The Ny Mets are my fav-o-rite squadron.

I'm imagining this conversation between Gene Belcher and OT the Outside Toilet.

redacted - always google before you leap.

Iraq was liberals' 9/11. 

Not only had the guy crashed into the White House lawn not too long before, but hadn't some guy who'd been recently fired or lost custody of his kids or something crashed into Sears Tower around the same time?  That's how I remember it.  Anyway, that was my first thought as well, lone nut in a prop plane.

I've had just about enough of your Vasser-bashing, Dennis Miller!

And a great voice, as well.  I only wish I had a voice that cool. (I sound like Gabby Hayes, but much louder, and with four separate speech impediments.)

That's what I keep coming back to.  All the talk has been about whether it's Chapelle's fault or the audience's fault.  The case could be made in both directions (I happen to think a little more in favor of it being the audience's fault), but where the fuck was security? 

More like hating a band because you perceive its fans as fratboy douchebags.  (The post I was replying to got fleshed out quite a bit more after I responded, so my reply seems less relevant now.)

Don't forget Rove, even further in the shadows than Cheney and Rumsfeld.

I think I once saw Henry Thomas at the airport.

Joe Estevez, right?  He's like a cross between Martin and Charlie and Emilio all rolled into a ball.

Pretty sure they already knew what it was like.

Yeah, but then when you read them in order, another 150 pop up while you're reading.  You can't win!