
In other news, Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez made a movie together!  The vaguely dumb dream I had after falling asleep while watching too much tv in the 90s, and the vaguely dumb dream I had after surfing the net too long in the 2010s, are finally collaborating!  

Except not at all, since 3D is a gimmick driven 100% by commerce and empty hype, and subtitles are a necessity driven by wanting to see a movie with its acting performances as relatively intact as possible.

The medium is the message.

Well, let's be fair, almost everyone who doesn't like subtitles doesn't like them because they're semi-literate, lazy, and closed-minded.  Having vision problems is definitely, easily a much less common reason.

Jesus, who wouldn't?

nananananananananananananananana CANCERAIDS!

There's an old AV Club interview with Teller (of Penn &) where the talks about how on one of their tv specials, the network pushed them to change the order of some of the bits so that a trick in which Teller gets accidentally killed came at the end of the special, rather than being in the middle and then coming back

My favorite Hoke Mosely casting suggestion I've ever heard is Harry Dean Stanton.  Since I heard that I can't see Hoke as anyone but him.  Of course, if they cast him as him now, they'd have to make Hoke 190 years old.

I can see Willeford going there, but I can't see Hoke going there.  I'm kind of glad that one got buried.

He got old all of a sudden about ten years ago!

[Droopy voice]  I don't think the swearing is necessary.

Dude does have a damn cool voice.

Whoa!!  I saw that headline, but didn't click because "an FX drama" is maybe too broad to care about.  But Giamatti as Hoke Mosely??  That's some damned interesting casting, I can't even believe they're making a show like that. Too cool.


h to the izzo, d to the izzay

It's actually kind of sweet if you know the context!  But yeah, definitely a chilling image.

Its survival is even more impressive when you take into account that it's on Fox, where good shows go to die.

The guy dropping Melanie Moore flat on her back last night was amazing.  I'm surprised he wasn't escorted from the building.  She's like royalty on this show.

Yep.  I also have great respect for the show and for basically everyone who's ever been on it.  They're serious artists.  I think a lot of it is that dancing takes a HUGE amount of hard work, talent, and knowledge to do it on any competitive level at all.  It's not like singing where you can fake it, or simply assume

Holy crap, that is fantastic.