
You know who hates Pam and Jim?  Dumb people.  They see anyone intelligent or decent, and take it as a personal insult.

Yeah, if these big stars didn't want people going through their garbage and saying they're gay, then they shouldn't have tried to express themselves creatively.

He weighs like a thousand pounds.

I don't know whether or not Erik Adams reads much of the comments, but I'd imagine even from his point of view it's a drag to put all this thought and work into writing one of these (and they are very thoughtful much of the time), and then the comments section is ablaze with complaining (understandably) about the

Okay, it's been most of a day and that's just for part 2;  I'm going to go ahead and get personally offended at how few comments this series is getting.

These guys need to, like, try harder.

Christ, I'll bet even Daniel does that.

Has everybody gone CRAZY??

I'm looking forward to him eventually killing one of these guys and getting away with it because he's famous.

It's never still first.

When Portugal is full, the Kardashians will walk the earth.

Remove lice from your beard with this one weird trick.

It's pretty obscure, you've probably never heard of it.

That you Quentin?

Nurse Betty… that movie is NUTS.  The you-know-which scene with Rock and Freeman freaks me out to this day.

I love how stuck in the 90s this show is.

It really was great. So accurate and so obviously Bob, but at the same time you can still tell it's Gene dressed up as Bob.

Don't worry, we're coming into the season where basically every show starts sucking.  That should break the pattern.

I made a sock puppet account just so I could give this post an extra like for "fatty boombalatty."  (Guess which account it is!)

Yeah, this is how I feel about it.