
You'd make weird faces too if you had Robin Thicke grinding up on you.

I always loved when they're watching the Beastie Boys' "So Whatcha Want":  "These guys are good dancers."  :^D

Yeaahhh…. I'm gonna need you to stop losing your shit over this?  Yeah, THANKS!  Bill Lumbergh here.  >BOOOP!<

Yeah, Zappa tore it up at the PMRC hearings as well.  It was always great watching Zappa tear somebody down, because he had that amazing intersection of eloquence and pitbull ferocity. 

Also, "What a Good Boy" is totally about brother-sister incest.

I have a feeling if they hadn't gotten such huge exposure from a few hits in the 90s, they would be regarded as one of those "best kept secret" bands who churn out clever, perfect pop songs like it's nothing, like XTC. 

"When I Fall" is amazing. It's such a hilariously specific idea for a song, but it manages to capture perfectly the feeling of having to do something that scares the hell out of you.  I love how even in this guy's internal monologue he has this grim, dry sense of humor, talking about wishing he could be with his

Yeah, that was a solid cover.

in your wack slacks

That 3-pointer sequence was amazing. 

I seriously didn't realize Peter Dinklage could get any cooler. 

*high-pitched voice* "Pull harder, gang! We're losing it!"

The desire to not have sex with Corey Feldman.

BEN AFFLECK:  "No, bullshit! because I wasn't WITH a hooker today, ha-HAA!"

The girl with the appendectomy scar and the Ice Capades makeup is actually really cute. 

Or at least different places.

Yeah, that storyline in itself was actually really funny.  I just don't know why they changed him to be actually retarded after that.

I didn't realize what a great character early Kevin was until going back and rewatching after having seen what he became by the end of the series.

Yeah, the chili thing was just a slight twist on the Office cringe humor, based on feeling sad for someone instead of social awkwardness. You kind of get in a feedback loop of feeling bad for him and laughing at him. It's not Noel Coward, but it's certainly much better than the "full retard" Kevin of just a season or

How do they get all these newer SNL chicks to look alike?