Reverse Porky

The A.V. Club

NYTimes says they knew, and suggests that a total destruction of the store was kind of in the plans since the beginning, but got accelerated when they found out they'd need to build new sets. See the article, it's actually kind of interesting.

I got a Community notification for this?

The Breitbart-ers at the end sound pretty rich considering the publication's unflinching support for a blatant misogynist, proud sexual predator, fiscal anti-conservative, philanderer, who"inexplicably" seems to support the Russian autocracy. I'm glad everyone suddenly wants to throw this shitpile in the garbage, but

As much as the very structure of the Senate is anti-Democratic (and intricately tied to our national history of slavery), you can't gerrymander a Senate seat with popular election of Senators. On the other hand, state redistricting is gerry-rigged to hell, so relying on our state legislatures to produce better

Stop reporting on Estately and maps showing "what each state did more than any other state". Especially if you're going to comment on the wild diversity of responses. This is gross marketing tripe.

I suspect this is a bigger thing than just these two bands- Son Lux, for example, is doing the same Bandcamp-related thing, to name one band that this fairly out of touch pig still follows.

I read a book the conceit of which was that there is no heaven and when you die you're sent to whatever hell you believe in - some kind of concept involving mischievous gods. I feel like maybe that's not such a bad idea.

I mean they didn't insert scammy affiliate links, so…well, who cares, someone's paying the piper. But seriously, I have a cousin who makes like 90% of his money from crappy blogs with Amazon affiliate links. And then uses the affiliate codes on Prime Day (fuck you, Amazon for your crappy "holiday") as a cash grab.

It's not just plain white — the server literally returns a completely empty page, a zero-length document.

Yeah. There's probably some EU bullshit about how midichlorians attract midichlorians and don't understand incest.

At some point it became obvious that this was not a story about the crazy McD's employees, but about a lonely insomniac who went to McDonald's to get a shake to feel momentarily better about himself. When he got there the shake machine was broken and he panicked, ordering a chicken sandwich. So he ate and enjoyed his

Will Ferrell is going to be really disappointed that you didn't like his stint as an animal trainer.

I don't think I agree with the overall review here. I found it over-long, with a lot of gimmicky character tropes. The Netflix format allowed it to indulge in the excesses of Apatow-isms.

*Jewish-looking guy

This would be a problem if it were at all difficult to rip music from Tidal. Speaking only hypothetically, of course.

Have you met Mohd?

I assumed he was the Jack Black one, living in Richard Linklater's garage.

Or your lame, pathetic friends who see you as "a Sheldon" while you only see yourself as a fraud and a failure?

Eh, with Lorre it's more likely to just be a thinly veiled story about how his mother was cold and witholding.