Tommy Crashwreck

It fucking IS SpinyNorman. Weird. I wonder how many Achewood people also frequent this website.

I'm pretty glad you guys reviewed this, because otherwise I never would have remembered to find it. I saw these guys live at my school in the fall, just like seven kids standing outside in sweatshirts on one of the first truly cold nights of the year, and it was one of my favorite shows ever.

Guys, shut the fuck! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck, just shut the fuck up ASSHOLES

There's one kid who sometimes sounds British.

I got that. It blew. It was free, and it blew. Isn't that always the way.

Dude played at my school this fall. It blew. I spent the first half hour yelling for Black Flag covers and then left. It was free. I am kind of a douche. Later my school's anonymous message board had the message, "ben lee is fucking adorable. he is my absolutely my type. the accent killed me. uggggh where are the ben

I just read the entire archives waiting for it to hit its stride… the best it did was try to be Calvin & Hobbes. I liked that one drawing of the kids hopping down the stairs from the tree house but I'd call the rest of it a waste.

"The Maw sucks… There's basically no dialogue."

They have this to say: "It's about money, Dick. It's about MONEY. It's about MONEY, Dick. It's about MON-NEY, Dick! It's about MON NEY, DICK! MONEY!"

Boys and Girls :(

I'm betting that's just spite. Maybe a personal grudge.

I DON'T like you EITHER

Yeah, most of us are just against shitty sketch comedy in general

"Regrettably Unremarked Upon"
What were you GOING to say about the Wrens? I just recently got The Meadowlands and I'm really curious as to how you deal with it. It's folky, but also really jagged, and it seems like music you could really get into.

Well I'M shocked, even if nobody else is

Josh Modell's review?
I meant to ask why Josh Modell reviewed this for Spin and somebody we don't know anything about and whose taste is completely foreign wrote the AVC verdict.

I guess if you're rich…

This one
I think this one is probably their best. Sure, I've never checked out the ones before Black Sheep Boy, but of the intervening material nothing tops this in my opinion.

America We Stand As One

Bad joke
Sure looks like him