Tommy Crashwreck

"I can't listen to this" isn't really a valid criticism… because yes you can listen to that.

Yeah, my first instinct was to hate it, but the people who made it don't seem to be anything less than ecstatic about the chance to make a record like this. I wound up enjoying it partially for its own enthusiasm.

@Hoodwink: that's because the game mechanics changed so erratically that unless one read the patch notes, one would have no idea week-to-week whether or not they could handle x class. A LITERAL slap in the face. LITERAL! This is just a free website not behaving exactly according to some asshole's whims. It's more like

Black Zomboy
Zombie Fishing in America
I Know Why the Zom-Bird Sings

Oh and also it occurs to me you might just not be reading it right, as Middle English has different pronunciation rules. I only ever miss iambic pent by like one or two syllables, and Chaucer's no better.

Uh, if I may respond to whatever prick made fun of my Chaucer, I'd like to say that scansion is good for maybe three in five lines in the Tales, and that almost the whole thing is written in stacked couplets.

Also Sprach Zombiethustra

The Canterbury Zombies?

Unfortunately, I don't think it is. P4k gave these guys' self-titled a 5-something and a shitty review, and not many people ever really liked Two Gallants… who, for the record, are still around, with three albums out so far.

"Bears… is pure."

I think everyone who tried to order one agrees with you. Personally I wouldn't have guessed it was fake either

I live in Connecticut, but I've never been haunted. As far as I can tell, nobody has around here. I think it must have just been that one time… which would make it THE Haunting in Connecticut. I think that's where the title comes from.

Yeah, Laura Veirs was nice, but really not much of a grabber. Shara Worden kicks fucking ass on this record. I don't like My Brightest Diamond, even though her voice is excellent, because I think her songwriting's pretty poor, so I'm really glad to now have a way to appreciate her singing without having to put on a

Oh yeah. Girl got PIPEZ

Eh, Castaways & Cutouts remains my favorite. I like them folkier than this — not that I have a problem with their recent rock tendencies, but I'm definitely going to spin Always the Bridesmaid about three or four times for every time I go back to this one.



PS I swear I fucking clicked once

PS I swear I fucking clicked once

It fucking IS SpinyNorman. Weird. I wonder how many Achewood people also frequent this website.