Tommy Crashwreck

Ass like a basketball
At the end I just felt sorry for the guy. He clearly has no idea what's going on around him at all. I don't think a good comedian is supposed to constantly make me wonder what the fuck he's talking about. His opinions and quips were laughably quaint at best and at worst were painfully inane.

Nightcrawler, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the writers of Reaper didn't care at all about whatever source your information is coming from, even if that's the Bible. I don't think they're very much beholden to such conventions. Personally, I think it'd be wonderful if Sam was somehow the son of Tony and Steve or

Yeah I actually took away from this interview that newly formed indie bands are, in fact, just kids who listen to lots of Pitchfork-approved indie records. I think that's a pretty good indication that as a little "movement" goin'-on-goin'-on, indie rock has the capacity to learn from itself, and the next ten years

I've heard of Sloan maybe once, and I read a lot of Internet. So I'm betting the problem with Americans not appreciating Sloan is that Sloan is invisible

Maybe great is a judgment call, and there were enough rock critics present for the table's consensus of a definition "great" to be "at least a couple of us think the term applies."

an she's kissed maybe twice to forgive him for cutting off a guy's head with a scythe. It's way more in her character, in my opinion, that she'd just run away from him, straight to the police.

Well, maybe if they were married or something, but Andi seems like the sort of person who likes cops in general, and not much the type to meet up with a m

You're right, on all counts. What you're overlooking is that the last two episodes have been rife with plot holes and poor ideas — for example, who the fuck gives a murderer twenty-four hours to explain his or her actions? I was willing to let that episode stand as part of a necessary sacrifice to the Get Things Going

Fuck Greg
Sam should have used that card to get the goddamn Reaper writers out of hell, where they'll be for ruining a promising new show

As the sample will show some people, this album's kinda good, even though it's not punk enough for Aaron Burgess, and even though, as the review points out, other people like it.

House is back? That rules.

I missed my local DBT/Felice date, and it was a terrible opportunity to neglect

There's a band around here called The Loose Stoolz, unfortunately

As well as large ones, I think.

I'm so glad to see these guys get a good review from the AVC, since Pitchfork fucked their career with like a 5.something. I don't actually have this record, but I love the two I do have (Tonight at the Arizona, The Adventures of the Felice Brothers Vol. 1) and they're terrific live, so I feel like they're due for

I know
I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but sometimes it's so fucking TEMPTING

I only recently saw it, on a laptop on a bed facing seven people in a fucking boiling dorm room. There were plenty of snickers and snide comments to be made, but I was pretty impressed, and even though I knew it wasn't a true story (like Cannibal Holocaust, the truth got to me before the myth) I imagine that if I had

Time traveller
I come from the Future, with an answer written by Time itself!

Come on! Don't you think it's at least a little bit funny that British teen idols are weirded out by how narcissistic their American equivalents are? Don't you also find it amusing that the first two people that come to mind when Rupert Grint thinks of Hollywood are Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton? The paparazzi's

That actually captures exactly why British child stars seem so hilarious to Americans. That guy said to himself, "I just got loaded! I should cut loose! Go crazy! Make some bad decisions because I fucking can, I'm fucking rich!" and that's the child star talking. But then the polite British hesitance steps in and